
32 Significant Moments:
An Artist’s Practice as Research (Watts 2014)

ISBN: 978-0-9928392.
Hard back.  An edition of 100 printed books. pp. 162. 

This is the first book that rigorously documents the artistic processes of the making of one art work using the Studio Activity Sheets SASs (Watts 2010).  The art work is the performance Book of G and documents three days of the artistic processes with reflective theoretical essays.  It contains a range of photographs documenting Watts’s process as she works through, moves away from, and returns to a range of ideas about the plasticity of gum and the female body. Her theoretical references include Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Elizabeth Grosz, Julia Kristeva, and Peggy Phelan. Although Watts works through key theoretical ideas she largely responds to the theoretical material in an associative way, for example she works through Kristeva’s ideas about the maternal and the abject, but rather than closing the potential of those ideas down she retains them as jumping off points for further experiments and forays into the unknown.

£15 plus postage for individuals.
£25 for an organisation.
I have a few of the 32 Significant Moments books left, but John Hansard Gallery, bought some and still have a few that can be bought if you follow the link here…



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